Your player’s age is based on how old they will be on April 30th, 2025.
Register for tryouts via TeamSnap, at your designated time slot, your player will be evaluated for hitting, fielding, and pitching/catching (if applicable) by the appropriate coaches. Once the coaches have had a chance to see all players, they will determine who is invited and an email will be sent to the registering parent with a decision. This process can take up to two weeks after the final tryout date.
Yes. We do have limited resources so will not be able to take every player who desires to play. All players will try out with their respective age group and then we will invite players to the travel teams and also invite players to the Sunday Program.
NO they should only go to one. We offer multiple dates due to the busy schedules we all have. It is best to try and attend the main tryout date which will be noted. Consider the other dates “Make-Up” dates
Marin Baseball believes in the little league experience. We take pride in not interfering with little league schedules and work hard to compliment, not compete, with little league up to 12U (majors)
Marin Baseball is 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax ID # is 814088533.